Oh My Goodness! Melony and I just had the most amazing night! We went out for a power walk, and ran into a Christmas parade along the River Walk. Extreme Home Makeover is here taping their final show that will air in December.
We followed the parade to where Ty was.
We finished watching the parade there, and were a part of the show. It was absolutely amazing! Ty is hilarous and is cracking jokes right and left.
Paige and Michael
The T-Shirts the workers wear.
If you look in front of Ty are a few rows of wounded military. They surprised 10 families with new homes. It was amazing as they called up each one and told a little bit about themselves and how the house would help them.
At the end of the show Lee Greenwood sang I am Proud to Be an American which gave us chills as we all sang along.
Roger the Rocket Clemens was there to hand keys to the families to their new homes
What a fun unexpected night!
Thanks for sharing! Got goosebumps hearing about the Lee Greenwood song. Enjoy your warm weather! Cold and snowing at home.
What an amazing experience! Will watch for you in December and the final episode! I have always loved that show and will miss it when it is gone.